These are possibly the droids you’re looking for, but no money-back guarantee

Here’s some absurdity for a Monday afternoon:

This was an art/craft exchange with my cousin. I asked her to felt a couple of animals for a friend’s birthday (or possibly Christmas; honestly, I can’t remember now), and she asked for some Star Wars patterns for an embroidery project she wanted to do. I have no idea if these ended up being of any use to her (she claimed an enormous amount of gratitude, but as she’s by nature generous with her thanks, I have my suspicions; these may not have been the droid she was looking for), but it was a fun excuse to watch the original trilogy. Actually, for anyone paying attention, these are all scenes from the first movie, but like a can of Pringles, you can’t just watch one.

This fellow is the forbidding picture I promised to my other cousin (the one I work for; goodness, I just realized I don’t make any money in my life that isn’t somehow passed on to me through family*), to illustrate litigation/traditional divorce. I’m quite pleased with his faceless and judgmental authority.

*Yes, folks. NEPOTISM.**

**That’s how I roll.***

***Shout out to my IT guy; he and his wife doubled the number of copies of “The Hatastrophe” sold this weekend. Thanks, bro!

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4 Responses to These are possibly the droids you’re looking for, but no money-back guarantee

  1. Your Local Friendly IT Guy says:

    You know what family is good for.

    And remember kids, a preposition is something you should never end a sentence with.


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