Happy Day After Day After Father’s Day!

In celebration of this monumental day, I took the following picture on my way out of Havre:

The quality is as terrible as I was afraid it was going to be. I had to take it from farther away than I wanted, as there was too much traffic to turn around and get a closer angle on it without freaking out passing motorists. I’ll take another when I have the chance, but in the meantime be assured that it contains the following excellent advice:

Beat the Drum.
Not Family.

Have I mentioned lately that my dad’s awesome? Because my dad’s awesome. He doesn’t beat any drums, but he also doesn’t beat family, so he’s doing pretty well by all accounts. Also, he taught all of his children prudence in risk-taking by once taking me, It Guy, and The Sister on a death-defying hike when we were all in Elementary School. It remains, to this day, one of our favorite stories to bring up to Mom, mostly because she shudders and sends Dad the evil-eye, who actually does feel kind of guilty about this particular adventure. I can laugh, because when you’ve grown up with the dad I have, you grow up in the assurance that you’re always safe. It took me years to realize how exceptional that is.

(Also, my mom’s awesome too. I bring it up because I don’t think I gave her  proper homage following Mother’s Day. I love you both.)

Next post up on Friday. In the meantime I have an offer sitting in my unapproved comments for access to someone’s POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system. I know it is POWERFUL and PRIVATE because they capitalize the words every time they use them. I’m definitely clicking on their link and taking advantage of this LIMITED TIME ONLY free trial. Be prepared for the sudden surge in spambots watchers.

Adventurers Anonymous

Here’s a silly one for a gloriously blue-sky Friday afternoon: The Adventures of Bawkie and Da-Ding.

Normally I try not to post family inside jokes, but the rhyming scheme was too bouncy not to share (even if the content doesn’t make much sense). Here’s the breakdown:

Bawkie = the name my 3-year-old nephew calls my father (for no apparent reason; I think it’s the fact that he subconsciously recognizes his grandpa as the kind of guy who doesn’t believe in darling nicknames).

Da-Ding = the 3-year-old nephew in question. Somewhere in the ballpark of a year ago he was in an extremely silly mood, and when, in the course of assigning all of his relatives with the name of some other relative, his dad asked him who he was, he answered, “Da-Ding!” No one else in the family remembers this little moment in family history, but it stuck with me and ended up immortalized (such as it is) in a poem.

Happy Friday! Go get some sunshine, if it’s in your area. I can’t believe it’s still only April.