I tried to do a live action version of this poetry reading, but the cat wouldn't stay on my lap, even for dramatic purposes. She's currently sitting on the floor behind me, and every time I glance back at her to make sure she's not plotting my demise, her eyes crack open just enough to let me know that yes. Yes she is.
Posted by The Storyfolder on Monday, October 30, 2017
I tried to do a live action version of this poetry reading, but the cat wouldn’t stay on my lap, even for dramatic purposes. She’s currently sitting on the floor behind me, and every time I glance back at her to make sure she’s not plotting my demise, her eyes crack open just enough to let me know that yes. Yes she is.
For example, here’s a very old attempt at this poem. Over a year old, I think. At the very least that’s my mother and father’s basement, pre-construction.
And finally, I know I’m an evening early for the All Hallows, but I’m posting this one today because I’m hoping I’ll have a Reformation one for tomorrow. Even though the closer the clock ticks toward midnight, the less likely I am to finish before the deadline.
So much procrastinating, eventually so little time.
Good to see you made it in time for the Reformation celebration. 😉
And maybe you just needed to dub that voice over a video of you petting her. Your constant speaking was getting in the way of her getting pets while contemplating the world domination for all cats. 😛
I’m always on the ball. Don’t even doubt me.
(But yes, I might have coughcoughcoughfailedcoughcough.)
Actually, I’m still planning on finishing that project, and have even come up with a decent backup due date that makes logical sense. Even better, it gives me until April 18th! So now I have until April 17th to put it off. Go me!